Construction Services Archives - Auerbach Engineering Corp.

Services: Construction Services

This Lake Tahoe Environmental Improvement Project on U.S. Forest Service Land involved construction of a 6-bus inter-modal transit facility, 131-space parking lot, relocation of 450 feet of recreation access road, relocation and extension of 1,600 LF of multi-purpose recreational trails, and all storm drainage and water quality treatment systems. Roadway and drainage improvements to State Route 89 were required for left turn channelization and highway intersection improvements for the relocated recreation access road. The project design incorporated low-impact design principles, extensive use of permeable pavements and advanced stormwater management systems.

The project design incorporated low-impact design principles, and strives to blend with the natural environment as much as possible. The project included adherence to Caltrans Standard Plans for the new SR 89 access road as well as coordination with erosion control project already underway for treatment of runoff from the state highway.
Services Provided by AEC incorporated nearly all civil, land surveying and regulatory permitting consulting services required for the project including:
Boundary and Topographic Surveys
Entitlement Processing
Civil design and cost estimating
Construction Staking
Construction Services
Utility Relocation Coordination

All planned improvements required stormwater runoff Best Management Practices (BMP’s) to comply with various agency requirements for managing stormwater including but not necessarily limited to:

Placer County
Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (LRWQCB)
United States Forest Service (USFS)

Date of completion: 2012

This Lake Tahoe Environmental Improvement Project on U.S. Forest Service Land involved construction of a 6-bus inter-modal transit facility, 131-space parking lot, relocation of 450 feet of recreation access road, relocation and extension of 1,600 LF of multi-purpose recreational trails, and all storm drainage and water quality treatment systems. Roadway and drainage improvements to State Route 89 were required for left turn channelization and highway intersection improvements for the relocated recreation access road. The project design incorporated low-impact design principles, extensive use of permeable pavements and advanced stormwater management systems.

Date of completion: 2014

The project includes the acquisition of the assets of the Lake Forest Water Company by the TCPUD, and the reconstruction of the water system within the Lake Forest Water Improvement District (LFWID) service area to meet Federal and State drinking water standards, as well as fire protection standards. The reconstruction project consisted of approximately 2,500 lineal feet (LF) of 10-inch pipe, 7,500 LF of 8-inch pipe, 600 LF of new 4-inch pipe, and 10,000 LF of small diameter and back-lot water mains. Water meters were installed with new service laterals to each customer, and 27 fire hydrants were installed within the right-of-way. The interconnection ties the new system to the existing TCPUD water supply and storage system, which surrounds the LFWID.

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