Date of completion: 2012
The wetland mitigation project represents a collaboration between the North Tahoe Fire Protection District (NTFPD) for impacts associated with their new fire station, and the Tahoe City Public Utility District (TCPUD) for impacts associated with the Lakeside Trail. AEC identified a joint project that would address feasible and appropriate mitigation needs for both sets of impacts.
The Station 51 original relocation project included site work for a 20,000 square foot public safety center including roadway improvements to Fairway Drive, parking, new utilities and utility relocations, and a storm water collection and treatment system. The Lakeside Trail is the final one-mile segment in the largest paved trail system at Lake Tahoe connecting the existing multi-purpose trails through a highly constrained urban core of Tahoe City, along the lake shore.
The purpose of this project was to mitigate the permanent and temporary impacts to existing wetlands. The project area that was selected meets the criteria set forth by current U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Final Mitigation Guidelines and Monitoring Requirements, and as mandated by the Water Quality Certification Permits (401 Permits) issued for both the NTFPD and TCPUD projects. The mitigation project is currently being monitored annually by AEC and its biological subconsultants.
- Bidding Assistance
- Civil Engineering Design
- Construction Management
- Construction Observation
- Construction Staking
- Entitlement/Permit Processing with Placer County and Lahontan and Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA)
- Facilitate preparation of the Compensatory Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (CMMP) in accordance with State and Federal requirements
- Obtain Construction Stormwater permit through SMARTS
- Preliminary Design
- Prepare Construction Cost Estimate
- SWPPP Development/Practitioner
- SWRCB- DWQ Construction Permit- Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Unit
North Tahoe Fire Protection District and Tahoe City Public Utility District