Lake Forest Water Improvement District - Auerbach Engineering Corp.

Lake Forest Water Improvement District

Date of completion: 2014


The project includes the acquisition of the assets of the Lake Forest Water Company by the TCPUD, and the reconstruction of the water system within the Lake Forest Water Improvement District (LFWID) service area to meet federal and State drinking water standards, as well as fire protection standards.

The reconstruction project consists of approximately 2,500 lineal feet (LF) of 10-inch pipe, 7,500 LF of 8-inch pipe, and 600 lineal feet of new 4-inch pipe to be installed to replace the existing water system in the area. Water meters will be installed with new service laterals to each customer, and 27 fire hydrants will be installed within the roadway right-of-way. Fire hydrants will be spaced approximately every 400 feet as required by the California Fire Code (Fire Code) and the North Tahoe Fire Protection District (NTFPD).

An interconnection would tie the new system to the existing TCPUD water supply and storage system, which surrounds the LFWID. Currently, TCPUD provides water service to approximately 3,910 customers within their existing service area. The TCPUD has adequate water supplies, storage and transmission to provide water service to the approximately 118 additional customers that would be added by the Project. Replacement of 10,000 LF of small diameter and back-lot water mains.

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