Jackpine Public Parking Lot - Auerbach Engineering Corp.

Jackpine Public Parking Lot


The Jackpine Public Parking Facility, located in downtown Tahoe City provides parking for approximately 40 vehicles. AEC began this project with the Redevelopment Agency providing topographic and ALTA surveys of the site for acquisition purposes. Initial steps were then taken by AEC to evaluate the development potential of the site, including processing of site assessment applications with TRPA, and based on the results, preparation and processing of Land Capability Challenge applications with TRPA to re-delineate the Stream Environment Zone on the property. In parallel with the above work, AEC prepared an evaluation of parking options, including a summary of regulatory and engineering opportunities and constraints for each option.

AEC was subsequently awarded a contract for planning and engineering design of the entire facility. AEC was responsible for preparation of improvement plans, all regulatory permitting, and providing services during construction of the project. Part of this effort involved public participation during meetings to present the project to various neighborhood groups, to address issues such as lighting, construction impacts, tree removal, and traffic. The storm water treatment system included a combination of drain inlet filtration, subsurface collection and infiltration, and detention storage. Design services for this project were completed on time and within budget, and the facility was successfully constructed in 2006.

Services provided by AEC included:
Topographic and ALTA surveys for acquisition purposes
Evaluate development potential
Coordinating public participation regarding design, construction impacts, tree removal, and traffic.
Evaluation of parking options
Placer County Project Approval
Process TRPA site assessment
Process TRPA Land Capability Challenge for re-delineation of the SEZ (Stream Environment Zone)
Civil Design and Cost Estimating
Construction Staking
Construction Management

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